League Reps, Schedules & Standings
You can refer to our League Descriptions page for more info about each league.
Curling Canada Rules of Play
OCC Curling Etiquette
Curling Equipment and Safety
Curling Canada Rules of Play
OCC Curling Etiquette
Curling Equipment and Safety
League |
League Rep |
Schedule |
Standings |
Monday Night Mixed/Open |
Tuesday Evening Open Doubles |
Chris Beaudin [email protected] |
Wednesday Morning |
Wednesday Evening Mens |
Thursday Evening Ladies |
Friday Morning |
Russ Siebert [email protected] |
Friday Evening |
Lynn Heriot [email protected] |
Junior League Tuesday Afternoons |
Nancy Jackson [email protected] |
- All games should start on time, handshakes and coin toss should occur prior to the start time.
- At 1 hour 40 minutes after the game start time, (i.e., 8:40 PM on early evening draws and 10:55 PM on late draws) finish the end being played then play one more, to a maximum of 8 ends.
- Once the final rock of the end has crossed the delivery hogline, the end is over and the next end has begun.
- If starting a late game early, the team skips will determine the time of 1 hour 40 minutes from start time, and adhere to the rule.
- *** At the December 2024 AGM an amendment regarding the time rule was passed giving league reps the authority to remove it from any leagues that don’t have a second draw.
All leagues will play the 5-rock rule. Any opponents rock in the free guard zone may not be removed until after the 5th rock of the end has been delivered. The free guard zone is between the Hog Line and the rings of the house.
All leagues will play the 5-rock rule. Any opponents rock in the free guard zone may not be removed until after the 5th rock of the end has been delivered. The free guard zone is between the Hog Line and the rings of the house.